Asset Allocation at Institutional Investor Week
If you missed Institutional Investor’s inaugural Investor Week, below we have summarised the key data points of this year’s investment retreat.
Our brilliant speakers and attendees provided valuable insights into themes that are top-of-mind for industry professionals. We saw dynamic exchanges, and lively debates on US vs Non-US investing, inflation, technology & AI, healthcare, emerging markets, climate change, ESG integration and much more.
Below is a snapshot of some of the thought-provoking live polling engagement points that took place last month in Newport, Rhode Island. We thank all our +95 asset owner participants as well as our wider investment community members including our event chairs Niraj Agarwal, Head of Real Assets, State of New Jersey Division of Investments; Elizabeth Caldas, Senior Investment Officer, Credit & OARS, New York State Common Retirement Fund; and Michael Elio, Partner, Stepstone Group.

For the full report click here or download it from below.
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